With the ability to search homes online wherever you happen to be, day or night, what is the actual benefit of using a Realtor?
Finding a house online is easy and private. There are no annoying introductions and questions about financing, home size, or location—just a blissful little session of house hunting in whatever area you are interested in all by yourself.
Everyone knows someone in the real estate business. You may have someone in your family who is in the business—leaping at the chance to assist you in your home search—but you don't want the pressure to work with that person because, well, you'd rather keep things a bit more private. However, don't eschew the offer from your friend or relative so fast. They have knowledge that online house hunting could never deliver.
A licensed Realtor can help you in your search in many ways:
They know the local area; they possess knowledge about to-be-built developments and have trusted relationships with lenders, bankers, builders, and contractors that they will share with you.
A licensed Realtor can spot potential pitfalls or issues that you may not.
And last but not least, they are trained to negotiate on your behalf. Licensed Realtors have a fiduciary responsibility to put your needs above their own.
All Realtors adhere to a code of ethics that serves as guidelines for both the consumer and their fellow Realtors.